Monday, June 2, 2014

Things that make me happy

The other night Jim pointed out that I have a tendency to get too caught up in negative stuff. In an attempt to focus more on the positives in my life (and conceding that yes, he may have a valid point), here is a post all about random stuff that makes me happy.

Afternoon snack time with this little non-napping goober and realizing just how delicious those Annie's bunny crackers are.

This box that has been sitting under this couch for the past few weeks. It means that one day- maybe a year from now- I might get around to making new curtains for my living room.

Waking up to the smell of fresh bread. Thank you, programmable bread machine!

Seeing how happy this little bug is when she wakes up from her morning nap

The sight of cloth diapers drying on the line

Ripe raspberries fresh from the garden


  1. :) You've got a lot of good, and two really cute, reasons to be happy.

    And nothing beats raspberries from your own garden!

  2. How about a toddler pooping on the toilet, and being so proud that she insisted on calling her daddy up at work to say "I pooped!"
