Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Truly effective birth control

People wonder what is the best way to keep teenagers from having unprotected sex. I think I hit on the perfect solution.

Make every teenager watch a video of my toddler throwing a tantrum for 30 minutes straight. (Why the epic meltdown? Because I dared to suggest she perhaps needed a clean diaper before going to library story time.)

The video will be captioned, "Forget about catching the clap. THIS is what you will have to deal with if you have unprotected sex."

I predict teenage birth rates will take a nose dive after being subjected to that ordeal.

Then, just to make the message sink in, I will make them listen to Raffi for 24 hours straight.

1 comment:

  1. Geez, don't you know that having your bottom cleaned is worse than Chinese water torture?

    I mean, I much prefer to walk around in my own feculence. Don't you?
