
Monday, February 4, 2013

My problem with eating healthy

I try to eat healthy. I seriously do. I'm big into making the majority of our food from scratch instead of buying pre-made food. I mean, hello, I even have made my kid her own snack crackers. Obviously I wouldn't go through that much of an effort if I was not passionate about making sure we eat healthy.

But I have a problem with this. A big problem.

See, here is what happens. I go to the grocery store, feeling self-righteous in the fact that while other people are putting soda and potato chips into their cart, mine is being filled with things like broccoli and quinoa.

I get home, and start making all sorts of delicious, nutritious things for us to eat. Everything is going great. I am smug in my knowledge that while I could have bought ice cream, instead I am making banana bread as a treat.

Then a day comes where I look to see what there is to eat. As I peer through the fridge and pantry, I start to feel incredibly stabby. "Who the heck had the brilliant idea that I should eat granola and yogurt for breakfast?!" I think angrily.

Usually this ends with me finding the bag of chocolate chips I had hidden from myself in the back of the pantry. Feeling remorseful, I go off to the grocery store, determined that this week I will not fall victim to the siren call of sugary goodness.

It's a vicious cycle.

1 comment:

  1. I look at all the healthy ingredients and think, "WTH!?! I don't want to have to COOK or ASSEMBLE anything! I want convenience!!!"

    So then I grab a convenient bag of chips or candy bar.

    And then I feel like poo and resolve never to fall into that trap again. (Ha!)
